Plano School Ratings

Use the list below to narrow your search for the right Plano ISD school for you and your family. The list is organized into three separate feeder charts (each bottom to top), showing the order in which all PISD schools feed into the three PISD Senior High Schools.

Note that Plano ISD has both high schools (grades 9-10) and senior high schools (grades 11-12). The rating given to each school is based solely on performance. For the purposes of comparison, the average across all Plano ISD schools is a high ‘B’ rating and the average across all Texas ISD schools is a ‘C+’ rating. Any school with a rating of ‘B+’ or higher is therefore one of the stronger Plano schools based on student performance.

Click on each school to research more detailed information about the school’s performance, population, and neighborhood housing data.

Plano West Senior High  A-
Jasper High A
Rice Middle A+
Andrews Elementary A
Skaggs Elementary    A
Wyatt Elementary A
     Robinson Middle    A-
Gulledge Elementary A-
Haun Elementary B+
Daffron Elementary B-

Shepton High B
Renner Middle B
Centennial Elementary A
Barksdale Elementary A-
Brinker Elementary B+
Huffman Elementary C-
Frankford Middle B-
Hightower Elementary A
Mitchell Elementary B
Haggar Elementary B-
Jackson Elementary C+ 

Plano East Senior High B
McMillen High B+
Murphy Middle             A
Hunt Elementary           A
Miller Elementary         A-
Boggess Elementary       A-
Armstrong Middle      C
Dooley Elementary       C+
Forman Elementary     C
Meadows Elementary C

Williams High     B-
Otto Middle                  B+
Stinson Elementary              A-
Schell Elementary                  B+
Mendenhall Elementary    C
Bowman Middle        C+
McCall Elementary                B+
Hickey Elementary               B-
Barron Elementary               C
Memorial Elementary         D+

Plano Senior High B
Clark High B
Schimelpfenig Middle A
Mathews Elementary A
Bethany Elementary B+
Carlisle Elementary B+
Hendrick Middle B
Beverly Elementary A
Hedgcoxe Elementary A-
Rasor Elementary B-
Carpenter Middle C
Harrington Elementary A-
Christie Elementary C+
Thomas Elementary D+

Vines High B
Haggard Middle B+
Hughston Elementary A-
Saigling Elementary B+
Wells Elementary B+
Davis Elementary C
Wilson Middle B-
Shepard Elementary B+
Aldridge Elementary B
Jackson Elementary C+ 
         Sigler Elementary D+
Weatherford Elementary D+

Plano Academy (grades 9-12) A+